Tuesday 23 October 2012

Bored of being bored! :(

"I wish this would just get over!" X(

 I want those days! Those days when you no idea when you fell asleep, those days when you are so involved in something that you wish a day was more than just 24 hours, those days when you are so tired that you can't even sit up & talk!

Whatever it is, right now all I want to say is that, 'I am sick of holidays. Yes! I don't need them anymore. I need school. Running back to your class after the break, throwing a straight face at your friend who got stuck up in your class for assembly, running to the next class and trying to finish up the up to date story within 5 minutes, chanting the whole notes repeatedly for a test (..as if something's gonna happen! :P) and everything. EVERY SINGLE THING!

END OF THE STORY: I am hopelessly bored of being bored! So dear days, please pass by fast. :)